About Us

Airing live from 12pm-2pm every Sunday, "Once Upon a Time in the Movies" is a show about movies which includes everything from discussions of new releases, Top 5 lists which tie into what film is being discussed, the latest news from Hollywood, and anything else that has to do with movies. Each week there is an interactive fan poll on their Facebook page, as well as a musical contest, where one listener each week will win free movie tickets! Follow them on Twitter, or shoot them an email as well!

Hosts Adam Kuhn and Stephanie Bowman are students at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio. They are involved in the university's radio station Bearcast. It is through that radio station that the two host their show, "Once Upon a Time in the Movies". Adam is a 5th year student majoring in History. He is originally from Columbus, Ohio. Stephanie is a 2nd year student majoring in Electronic Media. She is originally from Elyria, Ohio.

Adam's Movie Review Blog

Stephanie's Blog